2014-2-28 Michelle Zhang

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  It has been nearly 5 months since I became the eighth grade English teacher for class 5 and class 6. It feels like it has been much longer and yet, also much shorter at the same time.   Teaching is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do. Each day, when I stand in front of my students, I have to face a sense of inadequacy. “Am I doing my very best? Are they learning as much as possible?” This pushes me to continue to strive, every night, to prepare better and to wrestle with different approaches to teaching.


2013-11 感恩 – 安琪

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    我们每年在美国过感恩节。在这个节我们整天做饭,打扫,和装饰。然后 我们跟我们家人一起吃晚饭。我们一边吃饭一边聊天关于我们为什么感恩。在美国我们经常说“谢谢你”和“对不起。”比如说在这儿我买早饭的时候我总是说“谢谢”三遍。老板给我一杯豆浆的时候我说“谢谢”。他回答“不用谢”。他给我袋子装鸡蛋的时候,我说“谢谢”。


2013-12 安路的捐款

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大家好。我叫安路,是今年春天毕业于挪威UWC高中。因为我很想帮学生,也想锻炼我的中文,所以我来蒲公英中学教英语一年。在挪威高中学习的时候,我和一名來自香港的好朋友经营了一间小商店。在那儿我们卖很多东西,包括文具和零食。 我们每天的生活和学习都非常忙,但是还是坚持每天都开门营业。我们所销售的产品的种类在一年内翻了一番,营业的时间也延长了,同时也建立了新的发货渠道。最终的总营业额超过十二万人民币,所以我认为细致而又努力的工作是很重要的。因为我们想让读到这个故事的同学能受到激励,努力的工作才能带来成功。


2013-11-28 My dandelion experience – PAULA

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  我对中国很感兴趣。那时候我第一次来大陆,桂林的阳朔。我觉得这个小城市就像一幅秀丽的油画,非常美丽。去阳朔旅行以后我打算我想学汉语和理解中国的文化。   然后,2009年夏天我有机会来北京做实习,我非常喜欢北京和北京的古老的历史和文化。北京对我有很大的影响。 2009年为了我的学业,我回国。在芬兰我没有机会继续学汉语。2011年我得研士学位,但是我不想找工作,我想学汉语。所以2011年我去哈尔滨的黑龙江大学学汉语。 I’m very happy that I had a chance to volunteer in the Dandelion school. Students, teachers, and everybody at the Dandelion school were sincere, kind and inspiring people. I learned a lot! Much more than I expected. I am happy that I had a chance to teach students, and that everybody was very open and helpful to my research interests. I got more data for my research than I expected. Thank you all very much!


2013-11-18 My dandelion experience – Shelby Bennett

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During my time at Dandelion Middle School, I have felt so alive. I have been surrounded by so much love, generosity, sincerity, and enthusiasm. While I love the colorful walls, the mosaics, the creative classrooms, the good food, and the beautiful trees, the people are what make this school truly special. Part of my heart will always be at Dandelion School because of these people and how they have loved me. 


2013-11-20 My dandelion experience – Rachel

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  There is something special about the Dandelion School that I have never seen before. My experience here has been very full of meaning. The teachers and students have become like my family. They are always so kind, so giving and generous. I am amazed by how everyone at this school gives so much honor and respect to just one person. At this school, people are treated the way they should be treated. I like the way this school always welcomes new ideas and input. We are all learning together.


2011年11月16日 蒲公英新媒体教师交流

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2011年11月16日  北京市新媒体技师学院郭院长带领五名老师来校与11届初三教师座谈“我们眼中的蒲公英学生”,并为蒲公英教师颁发“新蒲接力奖”!新媒体技师学院和蒲公英合作办学,今年特设蒲公英普高班,致力于解决蒲公英毕业生上高中的问题!双方老师互通学生情况,以便更好地教育学生!


2011年10月25日 剑桥中学教师来校交流

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2011年10月25日 北京市剑桥中学9位教师到我校参观交流。为了更好地解决外来子女在北京上高中难的问题,剑桥中学与蒲公英中学联合办学。本次活动拉近了双方教师的距离,更好地了解了这些外来子女在蒲公英的受教育状况。
